Wednesday, January 19, 2011


The complexity of the songs with all their layers and textures keep your brain working. And the duo gets pretty bizarre with their multitudinous samples, which is always a plus. I couldn't help but get into the next couple of following albums The Lemon of Pink and Lost and Safe.

From Wikipedia:

Zammuto and de Jong first met in New York City in 1999 as they shared the same apartment building.De Jong invited Zammuto to dinner at his apartment, where he played him some of his collection of audio and video samples, including a Shooby Taylor record.Zammuto said of their meeting that "we both kind of knew at that moment that we listened (to music) in interesting ways and had similar approaches to music."Soon after, they began playing what they considered to be pop music, in comparison to their own works, under the name The Books. In 2000, The Books started work on what would become their début album Thought for Food. Zammuto and de Jong moved locations constantly during this time, recording in New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and finally in the basement of a hostel in North Carolina where Zammuto worked for a while after hiking the Appalachian Trail.

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